As Mom's I feel like some of us pressure ourselves to keep the house clean, try to be the best Mom to our children, the best wife to our husband's, make a good dinner and likely manage countless other things throughout each and every day. I just want to tell you that it's okay to not be perfect. It's okay to not be YOUR vision of perfect. It's okay to not be someone else's vision of perfect.
One thing I think we should all consider is that a lot of times the pressure we feel is self-inflicted. We have these expectations of ourselves and it is this unnecessary weight that we're adding to our lives. Yes, things need to be taken care of, yes there are countless things to clean all the time. Yes, I wake up some mornings and look at my fan and am disappointed in myself that I haven't dusted it yet since I first noticed it needed it. And along with that, many other things could use my attention.
This morning this was weighing heavy on my heart as I woke up feeling the pressure of "the world" on my shoulders with all the things I've told myself I need to get done. For me personally, I always give myself way too much to do for a period of time. I set very high, unrealistic expectations and then I end up disappointed when I can't achieve these super human accomplishments. It is this vicious cycle and I've tried for years to get myself under control, to set more attainable goals. Because you see, I am a goal setter and a "go-getter", I have to have goals to focus on or if I don't I get stagnant and if I get stagnant then I can easily slip into a depression. I figured this out in my early 20's and so my coping mechanism has been...being a busy body. And it works! But if I could just wrap my head around setting realistic goals then I would feel like I'm really winning at life!
So I'm writing this for you as well as for me. I have much to learn still and I hope that through my trials I could possibly be an example to others. And most I want to let you know that you aren't alone. The chores will always be there, you aren't a failure because you didn't get it all done today, it's okay that you didn't do your hair today. What really matters is did you love your babies enough today? Did you feed them SOMETHING (even if it wasn't some glorious meal you slaved over for 2 hours)? Did you hug them and tell you loved them before they were off to school? These are the things that are really most important in life and I think we need to really try to focus on those more. and in the meantime, I'm going to be over here trying to wrap my head around setting more realistic goals for myself on a daily and long-term basis!
P.S. Love yourself today! Give yourself a break! Most anything can be done tomorrow...
#littlefarmbigdreams #momprobs #momproblems #housecleaning #goals #perfectisntrealistic #dontbesohardonyourself #lifetip