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Showing posts with label country life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label country life. Show all posts

Monday, October 12, 2015

09-28-15 Phase 3 of driveway "redo"

Here in this post we pick up on Phase 3 of my driveway "redo" project which is explained in the post about Phase 1 here and then you can check out what I got done just before this in Phase 2 here! I spent the majority of the day working on this project because I wasn't able to start until mid-morning and by then it was already hotter than I had expected. We were blessed with a few mellow days with temps in the low 90s after the rain we had gotten and on THIS day it decided to get back up around 105-110. But I was at a point in the project that I was very eager to continue and pick up on, excited to be reaching a point where it looked near done, at least to the level of done I plan to get it to for now. So I would work and take breaks and then work some more, using up the better part of a day.

I decided to start with the new driveway part that branches off to the right from the main driveway and leads to that double gate to the future pasture. You can see from this picture that those rocks weren't necessarily in a good place so they had to be moved again. But what you can't see is just how many weeds there were up by the fence and to the left of it. I wanted to go ahead and get rid of all of those. 

I began by raking all the loose debris and small weeds from that burn pile over to the gate, raking them up towards the new line for the driveway to "clear the path" if you will.

This took awhile but I do actually enjoy work like this because I'm one of those people who enjoys raking, sweeping, mopping, vacuuming, etc because it feels like happy work for an OCD person. =) And then the result was pleasing which was what appeared to be an "intentional" path big enough for 2 cars or a large truck or even tractor! Success!

Here is another view from the other side of the debris and junk ALMOST raked away...

Me, happy to be working outside but it was pretty hot!!!

I am a huge fan of before and after's and even before and now's because it is a visual reminder or gratification for me of the progress that has been made. It gives me that jolt of contentment that refuels me to push on.

Once I got the rocks placed where I wanted them to remain, I got all the weeds up to the left by the gate removed and the only thing up there now is that bamboo, which will eventually be removed as well. And then I got everything raked out of the way.

This made me happy and was about the most I plan to do with this area for awhile, other than removing the bamboo and adding gravel. We won't have a need or use for that gate until next year some time so for now this is what I set out to accomplish and from now on I'll just keep the road way clear of weeds until the gravel goes down.

Here is a good before and now! I say "In Progress" because obviously this area of the project is not finished but it won't be awhile and that is alright by me! For now!

Once I got the gate area cleaned up on the far side of this photo I just had to do an In Progress photo of this area, too! But the top photo in the collage above is from the other day before I got all those weeds removed.

Here is a great before and now photo collage of the work done just in front of the house, where the driveway splits left and right and where there will soon be visitor parking room by a new front gate (after the bamboo is gone)! I love this photo collage!!!!!! <3

Then I moved over to the driveway. The other day I had gotten the rocks placed and some of the weeds on the left knocked down but not all of them. So after that side gate area was cleaned up I focused my energy on getting all the weeds off this left side so you can see both rows of rocks and it look like an intentional driveway.

Here I had gotten the weeds at the end of the driveway taken care of and just had a few smaller ones up at the front to tend to.

I got ALL the weeds out of the driveway! Except you may notice that small little bush RIGHT there. Haha! I must say, when I was chopping down weeds I saw this little weed/bush of wild flowers that were blooming  beautiful yellow and I just couldn't! I thought "Maybe it won't be too much in the way". So I get all the other weeds down, I put UP my weed eater and TWO extension cords it takes to reach this side of the yard, haha, and then come back out and spend an hour RAKING the entire driveway end to end. I raked from the middle off to each side to clear any other debris, small weeds I had missed and level out the existing minuscule gravel. So then once all that was done I came and stood back here to take my "after" photo, Yay...only to find just how much that little bush really bothered me. Again...OCD much?!?! So...I had already put away all my tools to get rid of it with AND I was tired and hot and felt just annoyed with the idea of getting everything back out, throwing my cords around and all that fuss just to come remove that one plant. Talk about slapping yourself for wishing you had done something the first time around.

When my pants and boots are this dirty and covered in dust, I know I'm getting something done and working with my body and it makes me feel proud, happy, capable, able and content! <3 Who said a single Mom can't setup a homestead mostly on her own? =)

View of the driveway "done" for now from the south. I still need to remove the debris from that burn pile and, of course, remove that little bush...and then I'll feel like it's truly done until I move onto the next phase in a couple of months. And that next phase is gravel, trees and water lines.

View of the driveway BASICALLY done from the north. (That damn bush!) Ahhhhhh! 

People often know me as Elizabeth, the Realtor, single mom, woman who loves her aviators and who has very long, thick curly, wild hair. And the majority of the time when I'm out and about being social or working they'll see me with my hair down and I'm typically in a long summer dress and sandals. It is my go to outfit, my "make me feel pretty and girly" outfit. But what most people don't usually see (only a handful have really) is me when I'm the happiest which is when I have no make-up at all on, hair up in a knot, jeans on, boots on, sweating my butt off, calluses on my hands, bottle of water in my back pocket, etc. Being raised in Arkansas you might think I grew up this way but I really didn't. We lived in city limits the majority of my life until I moved in with my sister when I was 12. At that point we lived in the country. Prior to that I had summer's with my Dad or his parents and those were the real boonies and times when I spent as much time outside as I could, being a lil country girl playing in the mud, climbing trees, riding four wheelers, hanging out with my boy cousins! But throughout life I have come to find I am happiest outside. Being raised in the Phoenix metro from the age of 15 to 21, some "city" rubbed off on me but when I started hiking the local mountains for exercise, I realized how much I loved it. That grew and fostered a love of the outdoors in Arizona, even though it is insanely hot. But hiking and running outdoors even in the summer, over the years, I came accustomed to the weather we have here. And so this all brings me now to where I am 30 and I've been itching the last few years to raise my son in the country so he may have a childhood covered in mud as I did part of mine. And I do think if I never had a reason to dress up ever again and spent every day on this property working on clearing land, growing a garden, tending to animals...I'd be just fine with that! <3 I have finally found what makes me the most happy in my life and that is being far away from other people, tending to everything myself and learning a lot along the way, teaching my son useful skills he needs to know for adult life!

For good measure, I can't forget the progress photos of the driveway!

And of course, lastly, the final before and now photo of the driveway from the gate to the house! To some it may not look like a whole lot was done but this took me probably a good 20-25 hours total over the course of numerous days to get this work done being as I did 90% of it on my own. Riley helped with the fire and hauling around some rocks and firewood but for the most part I knew he didn't need to be working outside in 110 degrees weather because he isn't used to it like I am.

I am excited for the near future when I can share with you the next phase of this project. As of now, there isn't a planned date for what we'll do next but it will include; gravel, 6 new trees and running irrigation lines from the well to said new trees. Until then...


09-27-15 Phase 2 of our driveway "redo"

Phase 2 of our driveway "redo", (you can find the info and photos of phase 1 here) picked up a few days after we had some rain that caused us to not be able to get anything done.

This is where we left off, after placing the rocks everywhere they needed to go to create the shape of the new driveway.

My main focus on that day was to clean up this "visitor parking area" which sits right in front of the house against that line of bamboo. The bamboo will eventually be removed to expose a chain link fence that lies inside all that mess. I will have to hire out help to remove the bamboo as I've done extensive research on it and it needs to be pulled out by the root which will require a tractor, at the very least. This bamboo was chopped down and burnt out about 18 mths ago and it returned like nothing ever happened. So once that is all gone and I get to repairing that fence I'm going to put a front gate there right in front of the front porch so that there is an obvious entrance for visitors which is THE reason I'm calling this area the "visitor's parking area"! =) So it had all these wild little desert weeds everywhere and I still had that tree to contend with that I had cut down a good 2 months ago.

First, I knocked down all the weeds with the weed eater and then got to work on chopping up the tree for firewood, kindling and excess to burn and dispose of what was left.

After the firewood and kindly was hauled off to the shop for storage and the fire was going, I got to raking this area to remove all the loose weeds and just clean up the area.

Riley helped man the fire...his way (playing in the water hose, haha!) while I was working on another project so we could have a set of eyes on the fire.

Me happy and sweaty after a half days work on the driveway project again!

That was all we had time for that day as dark approached. I got a lot more done the very next day to wrap up that phase 3 of the project and now you can see that here!


09-20-15 Phase 1 of our driveway "redo"

My last blog post Creating a new parking area we left off where I had just been given free river rock from a friend and I used those to create pathways and walk ways in the parking area of our driveway up by the house. This one picks up where I began the driveway process. Ever since I was a child I've had a thing for long, tree lined driveways...maybe it's a southern thing, I'm not sure. But from the first time I came to this property I thought it was odd that the gate was almost centered on the front of the house yet the driveway curves to the left to the parking area. So since I had these river rock I knew I wanted to begin the very early stages of "moving" my driveway to where I wanted it. The end goal is to have a driveway that goes straight from the gate up to the house then you can go left to the shop and where I park or go right to go to the gate to the open field. And then on top of that visitors can pull straight up and have plenty of room to park right in the front, in front of the front porch. Makes sense, right? Ha! So in addition to that I want the driveway to eventually  have 2-3 trees on each side with flowers along the bottom and for the driveway itself to be graveled to cut down on all the dust around the property. So phase 1 of that huge project (that will likely take me a year) is to "move" the driveway to where I want it. So the goal for this smaller project is to use the river rock to create new lines, then eliminate all the weeds and bushes in the way of that, clean up the pathway and just begin using it. Next I will add gravel to the entire driveway. Later on down the road (maybe next Spring) I'll put in the trees which will have to have irrigation lines ran to them as well as critter-proof "cages" around the trunk of the tree to prevent gophers from digging up the roots so that they can plant properly. After all that is successful I'll add some flowers!

So on to phase one!!!

Here is a "before" picture of most of the driveway and the front of the house just a couple of weeks after we moved in. I can't find a better picture taken back from the gate so you can see the whole thing but in this photo I'm standing about half way between the gate and the house and you can see the driveway (where there are no weeds) wandering off to the left and my car off in the distance on the left. In this photo there was still a dead tree just to the left of my flag, on THIS side of the fence line.

 I began by placing the rocks on each side of the driveway where I wanted it to go, straight south towards the house. The rocks on the left you can barely even see because they're amidst weeds and wild flowers.

Here is a shot of where I'm using the rocks to CREATE a whole new road that goes to the right side of the house to that double gate, which opens up into our side field. This field is now 4 acres of natural desert nothingness and in the future the plan is for it to be cow and horse pasture! So it only makes sense to create a road TO the gate even though it won't be used frequently for awhile. Planning ahead!!!

Here the rocks are on the left and this is where the driveway will go left and lead to our main parking area at the side of the house.

This is a final shot standing up by the fence line of bamboo by the house. You can see the remnants of that dead tree I cut down that still needs to be dealt with.

I got this done in a few hours in the afternoon by myself while Riley was at school. The following 3 days we had rain and I wasn't able to work on it at all. But as soon as the rain cleared up I moved on the phase 2! Which you can now find here!


Tuesday, September 22, 2015

07-11-15 Summer fun & shop organizing!

I started the morning out working in the shop! Through all of the unpacking in the house and moving stuff to the shop for storage for about a month I finally had to get out there and do some organizing. It was a lot of clean up too because the shop isn't enclosed (yet!) and so with each wind or storm there is dirt inside, dust over everything and spider webs everywhere!

Just stuff...everywhere, ugh!

Got a lot of sorting done, trash to burn pile,camping and sports stuff all up on shelving, etc.

A bit better!

Then we had some fun!

The night was capped off by a gorgeous sunset from our backyard!

Inside I was able to get these cute curtains up over the kitchen window, which allows in a ton of sun so this was a thankful addition to the kitchen!

Living in the country, you do a few things! One: when you have a septic tank you don't put grease down your drains or else you can ruin your plumbing and/or cause issues with your septic tank. I want to help my septic tank have a long, happy life and so I don't put grease down the drain and also found a monthly treatment to do! FYI, you drop 1 active yeast tab down the toilet at the end of the night once a month and flush. Then once a month on a different day from the yeast you put a half a gallon of white vinegar and half a gallon of hot water down the toilet which will help you keep your plumbing lines clean and cleared out!

The other thing you do in the country (I discovered) is save your egg shells for your neighbor! My  neighbor (who is AWESOME! Yay!) has a bunch of chickens and goats! So she asked me if I'd save my egg shells for her because she will crush them and use them in her chicken food as an additional/natural source of calcium for the chickens! So now these two jars stay on my kitchen counter! #newcountrylife #countryways #reuse


Sunday, September 20, 2015

May 22, 2015 A decision was made!

In mid May 2015 the seller of "the little farm" approached me with an offer. The house had been on the market since December and not selling, much to my dismay as the listing agent. So we would often chat on the phone about what we could do, why it wasn't selling, etc. One day while on the phone he asked me if I'd live in the house! He said he didn't want to rent it out but he knew how much time I spent there, how I'd go over once every month or two and do weeds MYSELF, keep the porch swept off. He knew I was a country girl and he also knew that we had moved around a few times in the last year trying to find our place in life. I was actually shocked by the idea initially, I guess because I hadn't thought of it myself. I talked to a friend of mine and he said "Yeah, do it, you will love it out there, that's where you belong anyway isn't it?" So I got to thinking about it and then before I made my decision I brought Riley out to see the house. He had been there a time or two with me but never to see the house as a potential  new home for us. So that day we headed out and went to the house. I took a few photos that day of the "front yard" because while there I got to thinking about how exciting it'd be to live on an 8 acre property and all the different things we could do and animals we could have! Here are those photos!

The front gate to the property with my sign still up!

The "front yard" as I call it encompasses about 2 of the 8 acres and include the part that the house sits on. The back 6 acres are an L shaped part of the property fenced in for horses. So the front yard is large...and just wide open and dirt.

This is right inside the gate and to the right.

Out in the middle of the front yard is the well and well pump.

NE corner of the property

East side of the property

Me standing in the road, across the street from the house to take a picture with the house, property and my sign behind me! =D I was excited, in case you can't tell!

So, I talked to Riley about it and he was going to be finishing up 5th grade within the week so we decided that is what we'd do. I talked to the seller and the house came off the market. We drew up a lease purchase agreement as he has some loose ends to tie up with the property and I have some things to do with my credit before I buy it. Part of our agreement was that I would get to live in it for a very reasonable rent payment and in return I would work on the property and grounds in a way that would better the home yet not drastically change anything before I do the actual purchase.
