Miss Bella enjoys being outside with me when I'm working on the grounds. I like having her nearby so that she might alert me to any critters nearby that I don't see myself first.
This is a midway picture of a tree that I cut down.
On the left is a before shot of this pitiful, ugly dead tree. It was in the center, front of the house on the front side of the bamboo so it was the FIRST thing I saw every time I came home. I checked it out and there was no saving it. So I set out to chop it down. This was my first "tree removal" and just my 3rd time ever using a chainsaw.
Tree down!
Here are some pics of taking out that tree! Chain came off again but since I had figured out how to fix it last time I was able to quickly get it back on this time and proceed! A proud moment!
Before and after!
Then I took to the driveway area to trim the 4 trees to the right that lead to the house. Of them 3 looked pretty bad but salvageable and the one to the far left (which you can barely see because it has no green on it).
A lot done! Got it all gathered up into 2 piles. I was going to burn it like that then it dawned on me later that it all needs to be chopped up smaller before I can burn it and I should cut up some of it for fire wood!
Riley playing outside with his new airplane! I love anything that he does that gets him outside! =D
After getting the trees all trimmed up I fertilized them all!
Two of these trees have some root exposure which I can only assume is due to the aggressive east to west cross winds we get here regularly. So I'll need to figure out how to fix that and prevent it!
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