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Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Back to school time for my boys! Junior High, that is!

If you followed our journey on our YouTube then you know that for the 2 years we were at the farm I home schooled Riley. He had been in school in Maricopa but when we moved to the farm there was only 1 options for a school and after a month of going there I decided I would rather give it a try to homeschool him to see if that served him better. I did that until we moved back to Maricopa in March 2017 and at that time I put Riley in the local school (his old school) to finish out 6th grade. He transitioned really well and actually did well, which gave me confidence for the time we had spent home schooling. He excelled on all but 1 of his major tests, language arts has always been a weakness of his, something I wish we had worked on more in our time together at home.

Now with Konnor home with us I got the boys all signed up and this year the city moved 6th grade to the Jr High so THANKFULLY the boys get to go to school together. Konnor is in 6th grade and Riley is in 7th. I managed to luckily get them both into the 20+1 program!!!

The 20+1  program is a blended learning environment where kids have a larger class size, 2 teachers instead of one and they work from laptops to do their assignments. They are given all of their weekly assignments on Monday morning and they have all week to get them done. So far their structure is basically 1 subject per day. So they do all of their Science work for the week over the course of one day. 

This allows the kids to be independent learners and thinkers as well as teaching them to be accountable for their own work AND time management skills. One day a week the program focuses on group work and kids pair up into groups of 4 or 5 and work on a group project that has something to do with what they're learning for the quarter. This teaches them the skills of working with others and generally involves very hands on tasks, outdoor activities or creative arts projects. 

On top of all these awesome features the kids still have regular electives like all the other kids. This year Riley signed up for Drama and PE. I urged him to do Drama because he is my quiet, kind soul and as he's almost 13 and already entering his teenage years in size and personality, I want him to get to be more comfortable talking to others, talking in front of groups and expressing his really cute quirky personality in front of people. So I'm hoping that the drama class will do just that and so far he's really enjoying it. Konnor's electives are PE and Computer Applications. So far he is a "peck and hunt" typists, lol, (aren't most kids) but I'm hoping at 11 years old he'll heed some of the lessons in the class because I first learned to type at 13 in a keyboarding class and knowing home row has brought me to where I am today, able to type 85 words per minute! So I hope he at least learns home row this year, haha!

Thankfully we live close enough to the school that the boys can ride their bikes to school! Riley got a new bike for Christmas last year (when I got one soon after so we could do family bike rides, which have been super awesome!) and we saved Riley's old bike for Konnor when we knew he was coming back to live with us because it is just his size and he always used it when he was here visiting last summer. The school is, I think, too far to walk. It is probably a mile and a half way from home but on a bike it doesn't take them more than 10 mins to ride to school. It only sucks a BIT this time of year because it is still 102-105 in the afternoons on their way home. 

This photo is the last time my boys STARTED school together, in 2012. It was June of 2013 when Konnor moved to his dad's. My, they sure have grown!


In June 2017, I got back full custody of my younger son, Konnor!

In the summer of 2013 my younger son, Konnor, went to go live with his dad in Arkansas. At the time I was a struggling single mother to two boys, self employed and doing everything I could to provide for my children. But Konnor, unfortunately had a lot of asthma issues and the dry desert wasn't doing him any favors. He had his dad and step mom and both of their entire families back in Arkansas (where all of my family is). So he went to his dad's for the summer as a trial to see if his asthma would be better there and in fact, it was. And soon after he got a new baby sister and he loved living there, in the country, with 2 parents and pets and grandparents that had horses. One summer turned into 4 years. For many reasons that time was wonderful for Konnor because he wasn't plagued by illnesses like he had been earlier in life. 

Now the seasons have changed and his dad is going through a divorce and life is rocky there so I got a call asking if I could take back full custody of Konnor because his dad was going through a tough transition that was causing undue stress on our son. I SAID OF COURSE!!! I made plans within a week to head back to Arkansas to pick him up. The last time we had seen him had just been 3 mths before, because over the years we have made it a point to go to Arkansas 2-4 times a year to see him because his dad would never bring him to Arizona or meet us half way. 

So in June Riley and I set out for Arkansas and that is what this blog post is getting back the other part of my heart, that I had been missing ever since the day he left! <3 

Beautiful clouds somewhere over southern New Mexico!

Just east of Dallas, Tx there is beautiful rural country and I imagine my future homestead to look a lot like this one! Or at least I hope!

It is a LONG drive!

Finally back on the roads I grew up on, in north central Arkansas not too far from the Missouri line! 

Heading to Konnor's grandmother's house to pick him up.

This is Konnor's grama's (on his father's side) hobby farm! It is absolutely splendid and until I walked around there I hadn't realized JUST how much I had missed MY farm since we moved to the city 3 mths prior...

This is Konnor's grama's (on his father's side) hobby farm! 

She has a glorious, magnificent wood stove! #lifegoals #homesteadgoals

This is Konnor's grama's (on his father's side) hobby farm! 

All of my family is together again!

A few days later we headed down to "the bottoms" where my dad and the rest of the Huskey gang farm land that has been in our family for generations. As far back as 4-5 generations ago this land was homesteaded by my great, great, great, great grandfather!

Farmer's daughter all the way!

There's my dad!!! It took us 45 mins of driving around to find which tractor he was on, haha!

Yay! My dad was so happy to see us that he almost cried! He said "nobody ever visits me in the bottoms, I can't believe you came so far out of your way for me". Well of course, I wasn't going to come all the way to Arkansas and not get to see my dad just because it's planting season!

The next day we went to visit my Mamaw and Papaw (my dad's parents) who have been on THIS piece of land ever since they were newlyweds. This very house my Papaw built and they raised 5 kids in it and are still there to this day. This place was where I always spent time in the summer when my dad was farming and I have some of the fondest childhood memories from right here!

I love and admire this woman almost more than anyone in my life, I say she's 2nd only to my Mom. 

My Mamaw's garden!

I didn't realize until this trip just how much my soul was needing a good re-charging! It felt amazing to reconnect with family that is dear to me and land that has soothed my soul for so long!

Turns out, we're twins! haha! <3

More vacation fun!

We ended up staying so long in Arkansas (totally unplanned) that we just stayed for and through the 4th of July!!!

They sure have grown! Riley is not even 13 yet and he's already taller than me!

Over the next few weeks I hope to work on catching you guys up on the biggest highlights of the last 2  years so that you might understand everything that has brought us to where we are now in our journey. And getting back custody of my youngest son was the BIGGEST thing that has happened to me in all of 2017!


Where have I been...

...well, you know life can get crazy! I was having so much fun doing my YouTube channel as well as this blog and THEN gardening AND homeschooling all on top of being a single Mom who is self employed (yeah that sounds like fun, right??) and then it all just got to be too much. So the blog was the thing I had put the least amount of time into and through  YouTube I was feeling a real connection with new people and a growing sense of community! So that would be why you haven't seen me blog in some time.

And now here I am in a whole different life, it seems, and having a growing sense to reconnect with the writing sides of my passions. Writing for me has always been a true hobby, passion and something that makes me feel almost centered and connected with who I am. I sit down to write and it feels like I put absolutely no thought or effort into what comes out, like it is coming from my soul.

So here I am, trying to reconnect through this old blog which I hope becomes a present blog and carries us into the future. Here I hope to bring you guys thoughts and ideas that I can't put into a video and maybe also share my new videos but likely not all, unless I feel they're something special. If you want to see our YouTube channel, as always, I highly recommend checking it out.

Check us out on YouTube here!

The YouTube channel is up to 5,500 subscribers now!!! Can you believe it?!? I am just blown away with the growth the channel has had over the last 18 mths and also with how amazing and supportive people are!

I hope to bring you more very, very soon! Until then stay safe, stay blessed and always find the bright side of things!


Monday, October 12, 2015

09-28-15 Phase 3 of driveway "redo"

Here in this post we pick up on Phase 3 of my driveway "redo" project which is explained in the post about Phase 1 here and then you can check out what I got done just before this in Phase 2 here! I spent the majority of the day working on this project because I wasn't able to start until mid-morning and by then it was already hotter than I had expected. We were blessed with a few mellow days with temps in the low 90s after the rain we had gotten and on THIS day it decided to get back up around 105-110. But I was at a point in the project that I was very eager to continue and pick up on, excited to be reaching a point where it looked near done, at least to the level of done I plan to get it to for now. So I would work and take breaks and then work some more, using up the better part of a day.

I decided to start with the new driveway part that branches off to the right from the main driveway and leads to that double gate to the future pasture. You can see from this picture that those rocks weren't necessarily in a good place so they had to be moved again. But what you can't see is just how many weeds there were up by the fence and to the left of it. I wanted to go ahead and get rid of all of those. 

I began by raking all the loose debris and small weeds from that burn pile over to the gate, raking them up towards the new line for the driveway to "clear the path" if you will.

This took awhile but I do actually enjoy work like this because I'm one of those people who enjoys raking, sweeping, mopping, vacuuming, etc because it feels like happy work for an OCD person. =) And then the result was pleasing which was what appeared to be an "intentional" path big enough for 2 cars or a large truck or even tractor! Success!

Here is another view from the other side of the debris and junk ALMOST raked away...

Me, happy to be working outside but it was pretty hot!!!

I am a huge fan of before and after's and even before and now's because it is a visual reminder or gratification for me of the progress that has been made. It gives me that jolt of contentment that refuels me to push on.

Once I got the rocks placed where I wanted them to remain, I got all the weeds up to the left by the gate removed and the only thing up there now is that bamboo, which will eventually be removed as well. And then I got everything raked out of the way.

This made me happy and was about the most I plan to do with this area for awhile, other than removing the bamboo and adding gravel. We won't have a need or use for that gate until next year some time so for now this is what I set out to accomplish and from now on I'll just keep the road way clear of weeds until the gravel goes down.

Here is a good before and now! I say "In Progress" because obviously this area of the project is not finished but it won't be awhile and that is alright by me! For now!

Once I got the gate area cleaned up on the far side of this photo I just had to do an In Progress photo of this area, too! But the top photo in the collage above is from the other day before I got all those weeds removed.

Here is a great before and now photo collage of the work done just in front of the house, where the driveway splits left and right and where there will soon be visitor parking room by a new front gate (after the bamboo is gone)! I love this photo collage!!!!!! <3

Then I moved over to the driveway. The other day I had gotten the rocks placed and some of the weeds on the left knocked down but not all of them. So after that side gate area was cleaned up I focused my energy on getting all the weeds off this left side so you can see both rows of rocks and it look like an intentional driveway.

Here I had gotten the weeds at the end of the driveway taken care of and just had a few smaller ones up at the front to tend to.

I got ALL the weeds out of the driveway! Except you may notice that small little bush RIGHT there. Haha! I must say, when I was chopping down weeds I saw this little weed/bush of wild flowers that were blooming  beautiful yellow and I just couldn't! I thought "Maybe it won't be too much in the way". So I get all the other weeds down, I put UP my weed eater and TWO extension cords it takes to reach this side of the yard, haha, and then come back out and spend an hour RAKING the entire driveway end to end. I raked from the middle off to each side to clear any other debris, small weeds I had missed and level out the existing minuscule gravel. So then once all that was done I came and stood back here to take my "after" photo, Yay...only to find just how much that little bush really bothered me. Again...OCD much?!?! So...I had already put away all my tools to get rid of it with AND I was tired and hot and felt just annoyed with the idea of getting everything back out, throwing my cords around and all that fuss just to come remove that one plant. Talk about slapping yourself for wishing you had done something the first time around.

When my pants and boots are this dirty and covered in dust, I know I'm getting something done and working with my body and it makes me feel proud, happy, capable, able and content! <3 Who said a single Mom can't setup a homestead mostly on her own? =)

View of the driveway "done" for now from the south. I still need to remove the debris from that burn pile and, of course, remove that little bush...and then I'll feel like it's truly done until I move onto the next phase in a couple of months. And that next phase is gravel, trees and water lines.

View of the driveway BASICALLY done from the north. (That damn bush!) Ahhhhhh! 

People often know me as Elizabeth, the Realtor, single mom, woman who loves her aviators and who has very long, thick curly, wild hair. And the majority of the time when I'm out and about being social or working they'll see me with my hair down and I'm typically in a long summer dress and sandals. It is my go to outfit, my "make me feel pretty and girly" outfit. But what most people don't usually see (only a handful have really) is me when I'm the happiest which is when I have no make-up at all on, hair up in a knot, jeans on, boots on, sweating my butt off, calluses on my hands, bottle of water in my back pocket, etc. Being raised in Arkansas you might think I grew up this way but I really didn't. We lived in city limits the majority of my life until I moved in with my sister when I was 12. At that point we lived in the country. Prior to that I had summer's with my Dad or his parents and those were the real boonies and times when I spent as much time outside as I could, being a lil country girl playing in the mud, climbing trees, riding four wheelers, hanging out with my boy cousins! But throughout life I have come to find I am happiest outside. Being raised in the Phoenix metro from the age of 15 to 21, some "city" rubbed off on me but when I started hiking the local mountains for exercise, I realized how much I loved it. That grew and fostered a love of the outdoors in Arizona, even though it is insanely hot. But hiking and running outdoors even in the summer, over the years, I came accustomed to the weather we have here. And so this all brings me now to where I am 30 and I've been itching the last few years to raise my son in the country so he may have a childhood covered in mud as I did part of mine. And I do think if I never had a reason to dress up ever again and spent every day on this property working on clearing land, growing a garden, tending to animals...I'd be just fine with that! <3 I have finally found what makes me the most happy in my life and that is being far away from other people, tending to everything myself and learning a lot along the way, teaching my son useful skills he needs to know for adult life!

For good measure, I can't forget the progress photos of the driveway!

And of course, lastly, the final before and now photo of the driveway from the gate to the house! To some it may not look like a whole lot was done but this took me probably a good 20-25 hours total over the course of numerous days to get this work done being as I did 90% of it on my own. Riley helped with the fire and hauling around some rocks and firewood but for the most part I knew he didn't need to be working outside in 110 degrees weather because he isn't used to it like I am.

I am excited for the near future when I can share with you the next phase of this project. As of now, there isn't a planned date for what we'll do next but it will include; gravel, 6 new trees and running irrigation lines from the well to said new trees. Until then...
